Expert Witness

Leverage our vast knowledge and experience for your roofing and waterproofing litigation needs, ensuring your case’s success—whether you are a plaintiff or defendant.

Industry Insights for Litigation Support

On-going construction has created a demand for highly educated and experienced expert witnesses in all phases of construction litigation. Construction projects without detailed specifications and precise roofing and waterproofing details can lead to litigation.

Van Dijk & Associates, Inc.’s consultants, with their vast knowledge of the industry, are experienced in expert witness services relating to depositions and court testimony in regard to all types of roofing and waterproofing litigation.

We have been retained on hundreds of legal cases, assisting in both plaintiff and defense lawsuits.

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Prepare your roofing and waterproofing project for success. Our experts are here to guide you every step of the way. For personalized solutions tailored to your building envelope consulting needs, get in touch today.